What Should You Do If You Have Lost Your Dental Crown?


    A crown loss should be taken seriously; if you are prepared, it may be disastrous. The good thing is that you can always prepare in advance. If your crown slips off, you have a few alternatives for keeping your teeth as secure and in good condition as possible. Losing your crown is a small nuisance that can be remedied with patience, work, and dedication. Keep this in mind no matter what occurs. But if you must get help for your crown very quickly, what should you do?

    What is a Crown, and When Can I Get One?

    Before we get started, you should know what a crown is and what roles it fulfills. A dental crown is a type of therapy that restores the structural integrity of a cracked or otherwise damaged tooth. The crown, which is usually made of porcelain or ceramic, covers the whole visible surface of the tooth. Although crowns may be utilized on any tooth, they are most typically used on front teeth.

    Crowns are utilized largely for aesthetic purposes by certain people, but they are also employed in a variety of other dental care treatments. A crown is a dental restoration that can be used to repair or replace a damaged or decaying tooth. They can also be used to cover up discolored or misshapen teeth. Crowns are sometimes the best method to keep dental bridges in place.

    What Factors Contribute to Crown Loss?

    One of the most prevalent reasons for crown degeneration is teeth grinding. As a result, your crown may become loose or fall off at any point throughout the day or night. It is a prevalent misperception that persons who clench or grind their teeth while sleeping are aware of the consequences.

    Biting down on hard things, like as hard sweets, or using your teeth as a tool to open packages can also cause crown damage. Both of these actions have the potential to destabilize the monarchy. Even a minor blow to the lips might be dangerous. Gingivitis, like other types of tooth damage, might be causing your discomfort.

    Provisional Regulations

    It doesn’t matter where you get your temporary crown as long as it’s well-made. You must obtain one as soon as possible if you wish to keep your existing eating habits and lifestyle. After that, you won’t have to endure excruciating agony to have your crown replaced at your regularly scheduled dental appointment; you may get on with your life as usual. It would help if you acquired a temporary crown to keep your teeth healthy.

    A temporary crown might last up to six months. Most people, however, only require one for two weeks. This gives the dentist the opportunity to devise a long-term solution. If you need a temporary crown but are unable to visit your dentist, respectable sellers can be found online. If their dental insurance does not cover the cost of a temporary crown, they may choose this option.

    There are a few things you should think about before applying a temporary crown to your teeth. Examine the crown closely to verify that it fits tightly on your tooth. Before using cement, gently bite down on the crown to ensure it is well adhered to the tooth (do not bite too hard, or the crown will be damaged). When you apply pressure, does it feel right? Biting down should feel natural once the crown has been appropriately fitted to your teeth.

    Chewing and Eating

    To safeguard your teeth and minimize further injury, chew lightly and carefully while wearing a temporary crown or while waiting for an appointment to restore a lost crown. If you chew wrongly, you run the danger of damaging your teeth and making it difficult, if not impossible, for your dentist to replace your crown completely. After losing your crown, chew with extreme caution. Eating sticky foods, like caramel, may cause the emergency crown to fall out.

    When Possible, Make an Appointment

    You will not have any difficulties if you lose your crown, but you will be pretty uncomfortable. The first few times you bite down on anything too hard without your crown, you’ll experience some discomfort. Your crown was shielding your tooth from further damage. When you notify your dentist that you have lost your crown, they will almost certainly schedule an appointment for you to have a replacement made and fitted. When a crown is lost, some people are embarrassed.

    People think they have done something wrong as a result of this attitude. Crowns can, in fact, be exposed at any time. Don’t allow the fact that you can’t hold anyone accountable to stop you from taking action right now! If you are still trying to figure out where to go yet need an affordable dental in Boise, contact the experts at Boise Family Dental Care.

    Which is Better: Temporary or Permanent Crowns?

    Crowns, especially temporary crowns, can be unsightly, even if they are not as smooth or well-placed as a well-set crown. Never let your desire to look great get in the way of good oral hygiene. You will always be in a better position if you are worried about the appearance of your teeth while they are healthy.

    Even temporary crowns that are more smooth and well-positioned than an adequately placed crown may be appealing. Never let your fear of being criticized or ashamed prevent you from practicing good oral hygiene. Even if you feel self-conscious about your tooth’s look, remember that having healthy teeth helps everyone. Don’t let your vanity keep you from caring for your teeth.

    Maintaining Your Permanent Crown

    After getting your permanent crown from your dentist, it is recommended that you continue to care for it in the same manner. Another option is to continue doing what you were doing while wearing a temporary crown while sleeping with a mouth guard. Your teeth may be harmed if you grind them while sleeping. As a result, sleeping with a mouth guard can help prevent tooth damage. Custom-made mouthguards fit securely over a person’s teeth, forming a physical barrier between the upper and lower jaws. Reduced friction can aid in tooth protection. Mouthguards may also help to reduce noise and improve sleep quality.

    Maintaining excellent oral health requires effort, but it is critical to minimize tooth damage. If you have any questions about how to properly care for your teeth or suspect you may need a crown on one of your teeth, contact your family dentist. Boise Family Dental Care is one of the locations where you may get dental care. Click here to learn more about how we can help you.