Avoid Droopy Eyes: Non-Surgical Upper Eyelid Lifting


We all wish we had the perfect eyelids. They are not just a cosmetic concern, but also have significant effects on vision and general health. The droopiness of your upper eyelid is often caused by aging or genetics, but it can be corrected with surgery. However, there are many other upper eyelid lifting options to tighten up that tired look that you don’t need to go under the knife for! 

What are the Causes of Droopy Eyelids?

As we age, the collagen and elastin in our bodies begin to become less flexible and contribute to under eye bags. This is why so many people notice that their eyes begin to droop later in life. Many factors have been studied as contributors to eyelid droopiness. Some studies suggest that your lifestyle can play a key role in determining how fast you get those wrinkles! Smoking has been shown to atrophy your skin up to twice as quickly as not smoking, since cigarettes reduce blood flow throughout the body. Other studies report that too much sun exposure can lead you on an express route toward crow’s feet, which can include eyelids sagging from excessive squinting or sun damage (source).

Fat deposits also form beneath the eyelids as you age, causing them to look puffy. This creates the tired eyes and droopy eyelids that we are all trying to avoid! Droopy upper eyelids can also result from poor muscle tone or an injury that injures the muscles responsible for holding up your upper lids.

Why are Non-Surgical Upper Eyelid Lifting Options Better than Surgical Procedures?

Many people are not candidates for surgery, due to medical conditions, previous surgeries, or other factors. Even if you are a good candidate, surgery can still lead to complications and side effects that may not be acceptable for some. Patients who opt for cosmetic procedures need to take several factors into account when making their decision between an eyelid lift or injectable filler.

Surgery is extremely invasive and has many known risks and potential complications which include infections, bleeding (hematoma), asymmetry (unevenness), problems with vision that requires hospitalization or re-operation, scarring, and even blindness.

What are the Best Non-surgical Treatments for Upper Eyelid Lifting?

AGNES RF is an FDA-cleared radiofrequency device that is a non-invasive procedure for treating eye bags and drooping upper eyelids. This non-surgical upper eyelid lifting treatment uses the advanced technology of micro-wounding to achieve natural tissue remodeling.

The best part about this treatment? You don’t have to go under the knife!

What are the Benefits of AGNES RF Upper Eyelid Lift Treatment?

This minimally invasive procedure is known for its:

· Safety – unlike surgery, there are no internal stitches which reduce risks and side effects

· Minimal Downtime – Usually a downtime of 7-10 days which is significantly shorter than surgery and you can go back to your normal daily routine in no time!

· Minimal Scarring – since no external incisions are made, there is less risk of scarring

· Convenience – most procedures can be done in just 30 minutes with excellent results!  

What Does the Treatment Involve?

The AGNES RF Upper Eyelid Lift treatment uses the latest technology to lift sagging eyelids and reduce eye bags. During this outpatient procedure, a qualified aesthetician will use micro-wounds created by radiofrequency heat on targeted areas to stimulate collagen production, tighten skin and reduce fat. The treatment usually requires minimal downtime and can be done in just 30 minutes!

Is AGNES RF Upper Eyelid Lift Right for Me?

If you are noticing that your eyes are beginning to droop and sag, then AGNES RF Upper Eyelid Lift is the perfect solution for you! Speak to a qualified aesthetician at your closest aesthetic clinic location today about whether or not this non-surgical procedure is right for you. Keep in mind that only an experienced aesthetician who has been trained on using the device should perform this procedure.