Dr. Sameer Suhail on How You Can Help to Promote Health Equity


Dr. Sameer Suhail on Ways You Can Help Achieve Health Equity

A genuinely equitable health system requires comprehensive national strategies, such as a commitment to adequate, affordable, and accessible care for every citizen and better financial assistance for healthcare coverage. However, Dr. Sameer Suhail also notes that individuals and communities can promote health equity.

If you want to help in that pursuit, the first step is educating yourself and others about health disparities. There is no question that healthcare is a complex and ever-changing landscape. In order to provide the best possible care for patients, it is essential to understand the social factors that can influence health. From poverty and racism to housing and education, these factors can have a profound impact on an individual’s health and well-being. By learning about the social determinants of health, healthcare professionals can be better equipped to advocate for change. By understanding the root causes of poor health, we can begin to develop targeted solutions that will improve the lives of our patients. Only by working together can we hope to create a healthcare system that truly meets the needs of everyone. You can also support organizations working to improve access to care and services and those striving to eliminate disparities.

There is no need for one to be a medical professional or work in the public health sector to make a difference. Everyone has a role in promoting health equity. Alternatively, you can advocate for or join community-based or faith-based organizations that advance health equity.

In healthcare, allyship is the engagement with marginalized communities to promote social justice. In order to be an ally, healthcare providers must first commit to critically examining their own biases and privileges. They must also work to develop relationships of trust with members of marginalized communities. Only then can they begin to truly understand the unique challenges that these communities face. Once healthcare providers have developed a foundation of knowledge and understanding, they can use their privilege to advocate for systemic change. This may involve working to increase access to healthcare for marginalized communities or fighting against discriminatory practices. Healthcare providers can play a vital role in promoting social justice by taking these steps. You can also be an advocate for policies and practices that would help reduce health disparities, says Dr. Sameer Suhail.

The private healthcare sector plays an important role in promoting health equity. By working with government and civil society organizations, the private healthcare sector can help to reduce disparities in access to healthcare. In addition, you can support employee resource groups that focus on this issue.

There are various ways you can help in advancing health equity. What matters most is that you take action and do your part to make the world a fairer, healthier place for everyone. After all, health disparities can also affect you indirectly, notes Dr. Suhail. When your community becomes negatively impacted by health issues, it can disrupt your way of living. The economy also takes a hit as medical care costs can skyrocket, and productivity can drop. Therefore, reducing health disparities is not only the right thing to do, it is also in everyone’s best interest.