Top 5 Jargon Used in Delphi Method Research, and What They Mean


In the realm of research methodologies, the Delphi Method is a structured and iterative technique. Developed in the 1950s by RAND Corporation researchers, the Delphi Method has since found its way into various fields, ranging from business and healthcare to technology and policy analysis. As researchers delve into the intricacies of this method, they will familiarise themselves with specific terms. In this blog, we will unravel the top 5 jargon used with the Delphi Method.

Expert Panel: At the heart of the Delphi Method lies the concept of the expert panel. An expert panel is a group of individuals with specialised knowledge or expertise in the subject under investigation. These experts, often selected based on their experience, qualifications, or relevant achievements, serve as the primary information source for the Delphi process. The Delphi Method relies heavily on the collective wisdom to achieve consensus or convergence on specific issues.

Rounds:In a Delphi study, the term “rounds” refers to the sequential stages of data collection and feedback. Each round represents a phase in which experts respond to a series of statements. The responses from one round are then analysed and used to modify statements for the subsequent round. The iterative nature of multiple rounds distinguishes the Delphi Method, allowing for refinement and consensus-building over time. Researchers typically conduct several rounds until a satisfactory level of convergence is achieved among the experts.

Anonymity: Maintaining anonymity is a cornerstone of the Delphi Method, ensuring that individual opinions do not influence the responses of other respondents.This helps to ensure that experts express their opinions without the fear of judgment or bias. The Delphi Method leverages anonymity to mitigate the impact of dominant personalities or power differentials within the expert panel.

Consensus Building: The ultimate goal of the Delphi Method is to achieve consensus among the expert panel regarding a particular issue or question. Consensus, in this context, does not necessarily mean complete agreement; rather, it signifies a general convergence of opinions or a narrowing down of divergent views. The iterative rounds, combined with controlled feedback mechanisms, facilitate the refinement of opinions over time, leading to a collective decision or identification of trends within the expert panel. Consensus building is a nuanced process that often involves statistical analysis or qualitative synthesis of expert responses.

Controlled Feedback: Controlled feedback is a mechanism employed in the Delphi Method to provide experts with aggregated information from previous rounds. In each subsequent round, experts receive feedback on the group’s responses without knowing the identities of individual contributors. This controlled feedback allows experts to reconsider and potentially revise their opinions based on the collective input of the panel. Through the controlled feedback loop, the Delphi Method aims to guide experts toward convergence while preserving the advantages of anonymity and individual expertise.

Understanding the key jargon of Delphi studies is key to navigating the intricacies of this research method. The expert panel, rounds, anonymity, consensus building, and controlled feedback are not just terms but integral components that shape the methodology’s success. As researchers delve into the Delphi Method, decoding these terms empowers them to harness the method’s full potential for informed decision-making across diverse fields.