Treatment of Asthma with Infusions


There is a long list of things to worry about when you have a chronic medical condition. Is there anything you simply can not do anymore? What effects will this have on you and those closest to you? How exactly will treatment unfold? And when your condition, like asthma, makes it hard to take a deep breath, you might ask how to get the best care possible. An infusion center in Manhattan, New York, can help you get the best services.

What is asthma?

When you have asthma, your airways are constantly irritated. This causes them to constrict and produce excess mucus, which prevents adequate oxygen from entering the lungs. Although allergens are a possible cause of an attack, the trigger for some people is unknown. The severity of the condition may vary. In severe circumstances, you may have multiple episodes daily, with symptoms worsening at night. The disease cannot be cured, although its symptoms can be managed. Indicators that you may be suffering from asthma include:

  • Problems breathing
  • Coughing 
  • Chest tightening
  • Wheezing

Cold weather, exercise, and exposure to irritants like pollen, dust, and environmental pollution can all make symptoms worse for certain people. Some people have infrequent episodes or can control their symptoms using an inhaler, but others may have attacks so frequently that they must visit the emergency department regularly. 

Eosinophilic asthma (EA) is a severe form of asthma brought on by an excess of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell. These cells are an integral feature of a healthy immune system, protecting the body against pathogens. 

However, people with high levels of eosinophils often suffer from severe airway inflammation and swelling. People with EA have a diminished sense of smell, persistent sinus infections, nasal polyps, and symptoms of a typical asthma attack. In this case, infusion therapy may be helpful.

Treatment of Asthma with Infusions

Patients 18 and older with eosinophilic asthma who have not responded to prior treatments may benefit from CINQAIR (reslizumab), an infusion medicine. The decrease in blood eosinophils benefits respiratory health by lowering the risk of future asthma attacks. Every four weeks, patients have a 30-minute infusion to continue the treatment.

Asthma Infusion Therapy Adverse Effects

Pallor, itchiness, flushing, skin rash, swelling of the cheeks, lips, mouth, or tongue, nausea, and abdominal discomfort are all possible adverse effects of CINQAIR, as they are with any prescription medication. A localized allergic reaction at the IV insertion site is also possible. It is crucial to have a qualified medical expert watch over your infusions to reduce the risk of severe side effects.