What is Recovery Coaching

    What is Recovery Coaching

    Have you ever reached a point in your life where you were just fed up with everything? Then Recovery coaching can help turn this around for you. This article is a comprehensive guide to what recovery coaching is.

    What is a recovery coach?

    A recovery coach is a volunteer who helps people recover from alcoholism or drug addiction. They help addicted individuals by providing them with information, support, and encouragement to help them become and stay sober. A recovery coach often works directly with a recovering alcoholic or addict over the course of several weeks while in an alcohol-or-drug treatment program. The coach provides encouragement and support and offers advice on how to overcome problems that could lead to a relapse. Many coaches also help people find a self-help group or other community resources they can use in recovery after the formal treatment program ends.

    Why do people need to be coached in their recovery?

    While most people in recovery benefit from self-help groups and other community resources, many need additional support to help them deal with personal problems or emotional issues that could lead to a relapse. Coaches help by providing encouragement and comfort. In addition, many seek out coaching after leaving an alcohol-or-drug treatment program because they feel isolated and experience intense withdrawal symptoms when separated from the safety net of a structured treatment program.

    What makes good recovery coaching?

    A good recovery coach is someone who has had similar problems and recovered or is in the process of recovering from alcoholism or addiction. The best coaches tend to be people who have worked closely with other recovering addicts, such as members of self-help groups or counselors. Ideally, the coach has had experience working in a treatment program, but many coaches are people who have recovered from alcoholism or drug addiction themselves and volunteer to be a coach after having been asked by others.

    What qualifications do recovery coaches need?

    No formal educational background is needed to become a recovery coach. Many coaches are people who have had problems with addiction and later went on to become clean, sober, and successful in their own right. For example, suppose a person is asked to be a coach from the self-help group or treatment program. In that case, it’s important that he understands the nature of alcoholism and drug addiction and understands what a recovering addict is going through.

    What are the duties of a recovery coach?

    The primary duty of a recovery coach is to provide encouragement and support for someone who has just gone through an alcohol-or-drug treatment program. Many coaches spend several hours with their “client,” either in a group or individual setting, talking about any issues, from psychological difficulties to social problems, that could lead the individual to start using drugs or alcohol again.

    What do recovery coaches need to know about addiction?

    To be a coach, it’s important for the person volunteering for this role to understand alcoholism and drug addiction, how they affect people psychologically and physically, and why they are considered diseases. The coach should also understand that recovering addicts need to be surrounded by people who will support their recovery, so he needs to help the individual find a self-help group and other community resources where he can feel comfortable in his new sober life.

    What are the benefits of coaching for an individual?

    The biggest benefit is the extra support a coach offers to someone who is still struggling to stay sober. So many people in recovery feel alone and isolated and may go back to using if they don’t have anyone giving them encouragement or helping them deal with problems that could lead to another relapse. The coach can provide comfort, hope, and reassurance that sobriety can be achieved and sustained.

    Where can people find a recovery coach?

    Many treatment programs offer recovery coach, but plenty of people go outside the formal treatment system to find a recovery coach. Many self-help groups have volunteer coaches who make themselves available to take clients from the group into their homes or other places where they feel more comfortable.

    It’s never too late to take back control of your life and live the life YOU want, not what someone else wants for you. Get help from a recovery coach and lead your life the way you want! Click to know more about the difference between Therapist and Recovery Coaches… https://theaddictionscoach.com/difference-therapist-recovery-coaches/