Belly Dance School Etiquette In Singapore


Belly dancing classes are becoming more and more popular among Singapore residents nowadays. Countless individuals have attended these lessons, which have helped them become more flexible, improve their postures, tone their muscles, and gain new friends. These classes even helped them develop confidence in themselves, allowing them to embrace their bodies and accept them with open arms.

If you plan on signing up for belly dance lessons, you should keep a few things in mind. You should follow your teacher’s guidelines to ensure your learning and keep you from getting distracted by unnecessary instances and objects. Scroll through to learn about the four etiquette rules of belly dancing classes.

1. Arrive On Time

If you want to see and hear your teacher discuss from the beginning until the end of your belly dance lessons in Singapore, arrive at their studio a few minutes before the class starts. You cannot expect your instructor to repeat their lessons for someone who ran late for their dance sessions.

2. Avoid Loud Chatters

You can converse with your classmates and ask them questions about your dance routine, but keep it at a minimum and avoid raising your voice. Doing so will keep your belly dance school teacher and classmates in Singapore from getting distracted by your chatter.

3. Listen To Your Instructor

If you want to become one of the best belly dancers for hire, keep your eyes and ears open for your teacher. Observing their movements and listening to their instructions will help you develop the skills necessary to become a good belly dancer.

4. Bring Essential Supplies

Before heading to a belly dance school in Singapore, prepare your dance bag and put everything you may need during the lessons. Bring a towel, extra clothes, a water bottle, and other supplies your teacher asks you to have in class.

Remember the etiquette above when signing up for belly dance lessons at Bellydance Haven! Visit their website below to learn more about their programmes.