2 Common Types of Achilles Tendon Injuries in Patients

The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon that runs down the back of the leg. It is the strongest tendon in the body, connecting the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calf to an insertion point at the calcaneus (heel bone). It helps individuals to push off during walking, running, and leaping. Achilles tendon injuries in Singapore patients can occur in various locations. However, the most common is at the muscle-tendon junction, where the calf muscles connect the tendon. The following are the two most common Achilles tendon injuries and the treatment provided at Singapore medical facilities.

#1 Tendonitis

Most tendonitis cases are due to overuse or injury to the region. It may produce pain on your leg and around your heel. Patients may notice that sections of their tendon are thickening and stiffening. Failure to seek treatment from afoot and ankle specialist in Singapore can lead to the injury worsening. Tendonitis is classified into two types:
  • Non-insertional Achilles Tendonitis is when small rips in the central fibres of your tendon begin to degrade the tendon and result in discomfort and edema. It is most common in active, young individuals.
  • Insertional Achilles Tendonitis happens when your tendon hits your heel bone, which results in the formation of bone spurs. It can occur at any age, including in those who are not physically active.
Achilles tendonitis is frequently treatable without surgery. Health care providers can advise on how to modify typical activities to alleviate symptoms. A physical therapist can also demonstrate Achilles tendon patients around Singapore stretching techniques. If your discomfort persists or if a spur is aggravating a tendon, you may require surgery to remove inflammatory tissue and aberrant tendon sections.

#2 Ruptures

Tendon fibre rips can result in a total or partial break in your tendon. Most achilles tendon rupture patients notice a “pop” coming from the back of their heel or leg. The rip will need immediate medical intervention by an orthopaedic doctor at a reputable Singapore hospital. The treatment for a ruptured Achilles tendon varies depending on the degree of the damage. Younger, more active persons are more likely to undergo surgery to repair a totally torn tendon, whereas elderly people are more likely to choose nonsurgical therapy. The repair may be supplemented with different tendons depending on the state of the damaged tissue. Specialist Orthopaedic Centre is a foot and ankle specialist clinic in Singapore patients can approach for their bone or foot concerns. They are a premier orthopaedic surgery centre with exceptional bone injury experts on staff. Patients can also get complete knee replacement surgery at their clinic. Visit Specialist Orthopaedic Centre’s webpage to learn more about the clinic, its staff and services.