Expert Advice on How to Quit Drugs

Emotional woman sharing her story during support session for addicts, close up on gesticulating hands


The importance of quitting drugs couldn’t be stressed enough. The harm and pain they cause are much more than the pleasure they cause for a bit.And not to forget about how harmful it is to the human body. 

The Native Americans especially, according to stats have shown more probability of getting involved with addiction. Various factors like violence, historical trauma, racism, etc have been reported to be the cause of native American trauma

So how does one quit drugs? 

Well, there are many ways and methods through which one can quit drugs, but without first admitting you have a problem, it isn’t possible. 

So, after admitting the problem, one can quit drugs in the following way:

1. Get treatment – 

One should immediately get treatment when addiction is involved. There are various treatment methods through which, a person can put past the addiction. They are:-

  1. Medicinal treatment – This treatment mainly occurs with the patient having medicines to treat themselves. 
  2. Rehabilitation – If the addiction has reached its prime, rehabilitation is the necessary way to go about it. This treatment consists of a stay at an institution where treatment of the patient occurs. 
  3. Counseling – Therapy or counseling can be very helpful as a way for the person to cope with drug addiction. 

2. Identify your triggers – 

Usually one is going through addiction as a coping mechanism. Soto stop that, one should know their triggers, so that they can work on them. 

3. Better coping mechanism – 

As discussed in the previous point coping mechanism does play a major role in this situation. Soto quit, one should find better and healthier coping mechanisms for themselves. 

4. Change your environment – 

The environment plays a major role in a person’s life. So without a doubt, something as severe as drug addiction would too. If a person has people around them who consume substances then they should immediately walk away. The company can do more damage to a person than we understand. Instead, one should be in the company of people who support them, help them and spend time with them. Thereforethe change of environment is necessary if a person has a bad company. 

Therefore, these are the above points where some advice on how to quit drugs is mentioned.